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Tsugumi Honda

Tsugumi is the deuteragonist of Battle Craze!! A rising MMA star whose chance at glory was taken from her in a crucial match. The defeat left her into seclusion until years later she would return to Battle Craze to not only reclaim that victory, but also to test herself in the face of all odds.

She is voiced by Su Ling Chan

Full Name Tsugumi Honda
Pronouns She/Her
Birthdate March 21; 24 years old
Birthplace Osaka, Japan
Height 5'6"
Weight 271 lbs
Family/Relatives Hotsuki Honda (sister), unnamed mother and father
Job/Occupation MMA fighter, part time bartender
Likes Personal progress, beetles, chickens
Dislikes Sore winners, crowded spaces
Hobbies Creating mixtapes
Favorite food Osakan crab
Forte in sports Baseball
Special skill Can quickly press a button in repetition
Favorite music Folk rock, city pop
Fighting style Boxing

Extended Story

Tsugumi grew up alongside her sister, Hotsuki in the city of Osaka. The two were quite similar, but eventually grew seperate. Tsugumi becoming a bit more brash, and enjoying sports, while Hotsuki was calmer, and loved to dance. They'd part ways once Tsugumi takes up boxing in her school program, and taking up the same sponsored martial arts tournaments Ajit had to pay for college. Tsugumi would win many of these tournaments, and caught the eye of many sponsors who'd wish to see her in Japan's MMA circuit. She'd oblige, as fighting had evolved into her calling, and she would give her earned scholarships to Hotsuki to help her studies in theatre.

At first, Tsugumi blew away the competitors with her fierce fighting style. Her knack for getting close and never letting up earned her the title of "The Raging Raijin". She had climbed up the ranks to earn the heavyweight belt in her circuit, only to be faced by Camille Voclain, a competitor from France. Camille was much different from Tsugumi's previous opponents, as she was a skilled tactician despite her demeanor. Camille had jotted notes down from Tsugumi's previously aired fights and took advantage of her weaknesses in their fateful match. Eventually, Camille had knocked Tsugumi out, unable to get up, earning her championship belt. It was the longest that Tsugumi had cried, right on the floor of the ring amidst the dust and blood.

That was two years ago. Tsugumi hadn't shown her face to the televised public until now. With rigorous training, the moral support of Ajit, and a lot of reflection, Tsugumi readies herself to make a comeback. She enters Battle Craze as a major public platform to ensure everyone across the world sees, and to demand a rematch against Camille.

"Nothing will stop me. I've not only hardened my fists, but also my spirit!"


Unique Trait
Raijin Spirit Tsugumi earns more Craze Gauge after landing a Counter or Dire Counter hit.
Input Move Name Description Dire Counter
Craze Technique
SP+SK Duck and Weave Tsugumi ducks whilst standing, avoiding all attacks except for throws. You can evade forwards or backwards too, and follow up with a surprise attack with any punch.
LP+LK I Gotchya Now! Tsugumi gut punches the opponent multiple times before striking them away. You can repeatedly press punch for more hits.
b.LP+LK I'm Too Quick for You! A swift punch to the face before Tsugumi dashes behind the opponent and punches their back.
j.LP+LK Go Down for the Count! Tsugumi punches the opponent downwards midair.
Command Normals
6LP I'll Break Your Guard! A punch aimed downwards. Overhead. Stagger
236LP/LP After Duck and Weave This'll Hurt! A swinging haymaker that moves Tsugumi forward. Relatively quick. Tumble
236HP/HP After Duck and Weave You Can't Stop My Approach! A jumping haymaker with a delayed swing. Projectile invul. Groundbounce
623LP Going Up! A quick uppercut with electric power. Anti-air, relatively quick. Power Launcher
623SP I'll Aim for Greater Heights! A more conventional uppercut that hits twice up close and with good horizontal reach. Unsafe on block or whiff. Spinout
214P I'll Overwhelm You Until You Quit! A rapid punch attack. LP is quick, SP lasts a bit longer and finishes with a straight punch. Wallbounce (SP)
All-Out Attacks
236236P Feel my Power! A thunder-infused punch attack that extends midscreen. Can be held down to delay.
214214P I'm Not the Same Person I Once Was! A counter super initiated by a taunting gesture from Tsugumi. A successful counter off of a melee attack lets Tsugumi punch the opponent with full force. A counter off of a projectile lets her dash forward for a punish.
All-Out EX
236236LK+SK To the Heavens You Go! A close range gut punch that always ends in a Power Launch Dire Counter. Power Launch
All-Out Destruction
2141236LP+SP My Ultimate Move, the Raijin Break! An anti-air super where Tsugumi summons a quick lightning strike to her after raising her arm. On hit, she'll unleash a thunderbolt from her fist with the power of a Raijin.

Side-L Changes

Input Move Name Description Dire Counter
Craze Technique
SP+SK Give It Your Best Shot! Tsugumi takes a counter stance. Any non-throw hit will cause her to dodge neutral, or forward or backward, depending on the direction held.
New Specials
236LK Watch Your Step! Tsugumi spins forward and then swings her fist low to the ground. A low hit. Spinout
236SK Not a Chance! Tsugumi spins forward as if she were to perform a haymaker, but doesn't. A feint move.
New All-Out Attacks
236236K My Own Take on Exodus! Tsugumi dashes forward, and upon a successful hit barrages the opponent with a flurry of punches, finishing in an uppercut.
All-Out EX
236236LK+SK Feel my Power EX! Adds a second punch after the first for extra damage. You can still hold the button to delay, however this time, the move's attack will increase the longer you do.
Removed Moves
“To the Heavens You Go!”, “I'm Not the Same Person I Once Was!”

Side-S Changes

See: Robo-Tsugumi


Tsugumi was created initially as a goth boxer, and also a plus-size character that didn't fall under negative stereotypes of most others, such as Street Fighter's Rufus. Another influence to her design was the Mishima's of Tekken fame. This is where she gets her electric powers and short-range uppercut from.


  • Tsugumi's birthdate, March 21st, shares the release date of Simon and Garfunkle's single, The Boxer.
  • Tsugumi is autistic.
